New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship
Intercessory Prayer
New Beginnings has a unique prayer network that shares prayer requests in real time. Proper discretion is always exercised. We're here to pray for you!
Sunday Service
11:00 am
1st Sunday, 11AM

Bible Study
Currently on hiatus.
new to church

              to New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship!               
Where Truth Really Matters!

Los Angeles, CA 90045


Pastor Charlton L. Davis


(323) 371-3886

The Church is

The Pillar and Ground of

NBBBF Meetings & Services

v  Sunday Worship, 11:00 AM


v  Communion, 1st Sunday, 11:00 AM

v  Bible study, Wednesday, 7:30 PM

v  Men's Ministry, 2nd Friday, 7:30 PM
vHope for Hearts & Homes Women's Ministry, 3rd Friday, 7:30 PM
Click for a sneak peak
NBBBF is a community church and outreach ministry established on the right foundation: Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, The Word of God, taught in proper context, the love of God expressed through Christ incarnate and everlasting eternal life. NBBBF teaches fundamental and complex doctrines of the Christian Faith, most importantly, salvation, which is the gift of God appropriated by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

Bible Study
NBBBF is committed to teaching the Word of God in proper context. Consistent study of God's Word is noble and adds depth to Believers' lives.  Every Christian should be ready and equipped to give an answer for what he believes with meekness and respect.  Join us on Wednesday nights for a lively time of learning, with other Believers, in a comfortable setting.
Men's Ministry
A strong church has a strong male presence and a strong male presence takes Godly men who search God's Word, think for themselves, lead their families, encourage others and hold each other accountable, all for the benefit of the entire church community. G.O.A.L.S. Men's Ministry meets every 2nd Friday at 7:30 PM.
Women's Ministry
Our Hope for Hearts & Homes Women's Ministry encourages women to seek God for proper balance in their homes, marriages and families.  This important ministry helps us to please the Lord in our relationships, as we help build strong families, churches and communities. Join us on every 3rd Friday at 7:30 PM.
Children's Ministry
NBBBF follows the biblical admonition to teach and train children. Our children's ministry team focuses on planting God's Word in children's hearts. We strive to teach the truth of God's Word in a dynamic way that will show children how to live Godly lives that bear witness of His indwelling presence in their hearts.


Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."
              - Mark 10:14


Email Ministry Outreach
Subscribers receive daily emails including prayer requests; bereavement notices; meeting reminders, special family program details; employment information, news and materials related to the Christian Faith, as well as many other useful resources. 
Loving People
True Believers are distinguished by the love they have toward God and for one another. NBBBF is a loving church family and it shows. Come see for yourself!







Excerpts From NBBBF's

3rd Church Anniversary Service
Sunday, September 5, 2010, 11:00 AM




Welcome to New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship!



We are delighted to share some spiritual and practical truths with you today. Speaking of truth, isn't it amazing how easily and quickly people will believe a lie but have such a hard time accepting the truth?


Have you noticed that we are constantly bombarded with confusing messages about God, Christianity, and the Bible? That is why we need to be so familiar with the truth that we recognize a lie instantly. It is possible for Believers to discern truth from error with sound biblical teaching and consistent daily study of God's infallible word.

The Bible exhorts us to "teach what is in accord with sound doctrine."  Titus 2:1 [NIV]. The Body of Christ must take a strong stand against this kind of error. Titus 1:9 says, "He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. [NIV].

Movies, books, and music about God and Christianity should always line up with the Canon of Scripture. Truth is as important today as ever because the essentials of our Faith are being aggressively attacked and it is frequently  compromised by Believers who are ill-informed of the Truth.  Our moral values are being questioned.  Adversaries are working relentlessly to obliterate biblical values. We must be equipped to address these issues wisely with the Word of God.


New Beginning Believers Bible Fellowship strives to inform, teach and equip Believers with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Our goal is to cut it straight, i.e., to take out of the Scriptures the true intended meaning and interpretation, which will refute any heresy, lie or misrepresentation of God or His Holy Word.


Lord willing, we will continue to teach and defend the true Word of God, "not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of man but in the power of God."  I Corinthians 2:4 [NKJV].


We will never manipulate you or offer you false promises that guarantee overwhelming prosperity. We will simply tell you what the Bible says and encourage you to seek God's guidance for your own personal direction. New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship is a refuge for you who seek a true and intimate relationship with God through the knowledge and application of His Word.  


We hope to see you again soon, Lord willing.


 NBBBF Communications and Outreach Team


Eternity is Too Long
To Be Wrong! Right?
Do you know Jesus? If you were to die tonight, where would you go?  Eternity is too long to be wrong on the heaven and hell question. 
Why should God let you into His heaven?  Or do you think life after death is just like life before birth?-unconscious or non-existent?  Are you willing to bank your whole eternity on your answer?  If you know Jesus, you can. 
God wants you to abide in Him forever.  He is standing at the door of your heart, right now, knocking.  Invite Him in.  Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, the penalty for which He already paid when He gave His life for you on the Cross.  Then He raised Himself from the dead so that you, too might have life forever.  "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  (Romans 10:13)
Questions?  Doubts?  Ready, but need loving guidance?  Pastor Charlton and the New Beginnings Church family are here for you.
               HHH  WBS
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