. Mission Statement
Activities & Events
Reach out to the unsaved or to someone who has not been to church
in a long time. Share the love of God with others!
Pastor Charlton's Series: "Why You Need to REGULARLY Attend a Biblically Sound Church" will expand your knowledge. Come worship with
us or click on Sermons to listen online!
Join Pastor Charlton Davis in a special time of prayer before each Sunday Service at 10:30 am. Each service begins with prayer that honors the Lord!
Children's Church meets every Sunday. Lessons are taught to familiarize children with the the Bible and to reinforce biblical principles.
General Bible study meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM.
Deacon Timothy Tyler is currently teaching a series entitled: "The New
Is Better Than The Old!" - An expository study of Hebrews.
Hope for Hearts and Homes Women's Bible Study, "When we
make God our First Love, it shows" meets the 3rd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM. Don't miss this month's discussion on Sisterhood. For address and directions email loetta@nbbbf.org. Bring a Friend!
Men's Bible Study meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM.
See Deacon Burl or Pastor Charlton Davis for more information. For address