New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship
Intercessory Prayer
New Beginnings has a unique prayer network that shares prayer requests in real time. Proper discretion is always exercised. We're here to pray for you!
Sunday Service
11:00 am
1st Sunday, 11AM

Bible Study
Currently on hiatus.
Our vision

. Mission Statement 

   New Beginnings Believers Bible Fellowship (NBBBF) is a community church and outreach 
   ministry that was founded and exists to demonstrate how the local church must present 
   and obey the truth of the Word of God in proper context.  Our primary mission is to
   provide sound biblical teaching and model proper church conduct according to I
   Timothy 3:15: 
        "if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves
        in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and
       foundation of the truth." 
  NBBBF motivates Believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and 
  Savior Jesus Christ by teaching the essentials of the Christian Faith and sound biblical 
  doctrine. NBBBF equips Believers to know and live by the truth of God's Word to the best
  of their ability in a world that increasingly and aggressively opposes the Christian Faith by
  encouraging them to read their Bibles daily, to measure what they are taught objectively
  by the Text of Scripture, to think for themselves and to follow the admonition of our Lord
  Jesus Christ to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all
  thy mind (Matthew 22:37).  
  NBBBF takes a strong stand against heresy and false doctrine.  We identify, expose and
  challenge those who misrepresent the Christian Faith.  It is every Christian's responsibility
  to contend earnestly for the Faith that was once and for all delivered unto the Saints as
  stated in Jude 1:3. It is our duty to watch over the flock of God and to shield it from
  dangerous heresies.
  NBBBF realizes the phrase popularized by Larry E. Webb, "Eternity is too long to be
  wrong." Therefore, NBBBF is committed to evangelism in and outside the church. 
  NBBBF will deliver the message that God's precious gift of salvation by grace alone,
  through faith alone, in Christ alone, ensures every true Christian everlasting eternal life. 
  I John 5:13 says: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God
  so that you may know that you have eternal life." 
  NBBBF is a loving family church where Believers love one another and it shows.  We
  practice wise application of biblical principles in our daily lives.  At NBBBF, truth really



Activities & Events
  September is Friends & Family Month:  Invite someone to church! 
Reach out to the unsaved or to someone who has not been to church
in a long time.  Share the love of God with others!  
  Pastor Charlton's Series:  "Why You Need to REGULARLY Attend a Biblically Sound Church" will expand your knowledge. Come worship with
us or click on Sermons to listen online!
  Join Pastor Charlton Davis in a special time of prayer before each Sunday Service at 10:30 am.  Each service begins with prayer that honors the Lord!
 Children's Church meets every Sunday.  Lessons are taught to familiarize children with the the Bible and to reinforce biblical principles.
General Bible study meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM.
 Deacon Timothy Tyler is currently teaching a series entitled:  "The New
Is Better Than The Old!" - An expository study of Hebrews.
Hope for Hearts and Homes Women's Bible Study, "When we
make God our First Love,  it shows" meets the 3rd Friday of each month at  7:30 PM. Don't miss this month's discussion on Sisterhood. For address and directions email loetta@nbbbf.orgBring a Friend!
Men's Bible Study meets the 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM.
See Deacon Burl or Pastor Charlton Davis for more information.  For address
 and directions email


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